Starcutes red cup amigurumi Free pattern
Since I was a little girl I loved
everything about Christmas, especially the decorations on the Christmas tree.
Those special mornings, wearing warm
sweaters and enjoying a nice and warm cup of coffee (or hot
chocolate), were the best of all.
A couple of days ago I was drawing some
ideas for new amigurumis, I saw in the news people talking about the
"controversial" red cup from Starbucks, without the classics snowflakes
and snowman decorations on it. For me, the whole thing was a little
silly, #it'sjustacup. But this little cup was the inspiration
for my next Amigurumi Food. Thanks to the people talking...
I want to present to you a cute and cozy
version of the #StarbucksRedCup. A good opportunity to give some love with this
funny cup, or just make it for your own Christmas tree.
Enjoy this warm cup of coffee (with cream
on top).
{ Crab Stitch }
I hope you like it!!
Qué hermosura!!! Ese arbolito está quedando precioso.